Ahh, the joys of doing IVF in the frigid Minnesota winter…
There are a lot of medications that have to be taken at the same time, so I have learned it’s a good idea to set alarm reminders on my cell phone. For someone who doesn’t even like taking ibuprofen when I have a headache – these past 3 years of infertility drugs has been a big change for me. I’ve also been taking pre-natal vitamins daily…”just in case.”
I order most of my drugs from a specialty clinic in the cities as they’re not available in the town where I live. They come via UPS. It’s interesting because some need to be refrigerated, so most arrive in a cooler. I don’t know why, but I feel like it’s an illegal drug deal or something! During IVF, the shipments were bigger and my largest one had 12 prescriptions delivered at once! Woah!
Ordering these medications is stressful. Just thinking about the cost is enough to make anyone sick to their stomach. As I wait for the drugs to arrive, I pray that they don’t get lost along the way, because we can’t afford any mistakes. Fortunately the pharmacy I’ve ordered them through has been a Godsend. They are so nice, helpful, and knowledgeable. They actually return your phone calls and follow through! Wonderful! I’d recommend them to anyone and everyone!
During my first IVF cycle, while I was taking LUPRON, I knew I was going to run out of the drug, just barely, according to the dosages. I called the pharmacy and it was scheduled to arrive. For the scheduled days that the drugs arrive via UPS, I have to stay at home and make sure I’m there when they arrive. They tell you they can arrive any time between 9am and 5pm. Wow…what a specific time slot! Ha! This makes it extra difficult in the frigid winter months here in Minnesota. As all mediations have restrictions, these have specific requirements of between what temperatures they can be stored. Many also list, “DO NOT FREEZE” in capital letters! So, as I wait all day, I begin to think about how long they have been in transit and outside in this very cold, 8 degree day.
I was getting anxious and when they finally arrived a little after 5pm, I was relieved. But as I opened the box, my relief quickly turned to anxiety. It was exactly what I had feared - the liquid medication was frozen! I was freaking out knowing that even if they told me it was still okay to use – there’s no way I would! I was paying and going through way too much for this whole process and I wasn’t going to mess it up with a bad drug.
I called the clinic and they were great. The pharmacist tried to contact the drug company to check to see if I should still use the LUPRON or not. Of course it was too late in the afternoon and they were closed because I hadn’t received my drugs until 5pm. So the pharmacist said he’d call me back tomorrow after he found out. And he did! The drug rep said not to use it as there were no studies as to if it still worked after being frozen. They told me they’d try it again and mail another in a cooler with an unfrozen ice pack. This way, if it were to get too cold, it should freeze the ice pack, instead of the medication.
I prayed this would arrive unfrozen as I don’t know what I would have done otherwise as this drug isn’t available where I live. Where would I be ale to get it last minute? Where would I have to drive? I received that package the next day, and it arrived just fine…with no trace of being frozen…just in time for me use it in my next shot because I had just run out. Praise the Lord!