But on a positive note - both boys gained 14 ounces this week!!! Almost a pound in one week again!! Awesome! Gee...they seem to have to do things a lot alike. They must be twins! Ha! Elijah is now 9 pounds 4 ounces, which puts him in the 10.81 percentile. And Will is now 8 pounds 13 ounces, which is in the 6.12 percentile.
They are now 7 weeks old and weighing in at regular "newborn" size!! These little men are catching up fast. They are even starting to fit into newborn clothes too! Yippee!! (Good thing because we needed a better wardrobe selection. The few preemie clothes we had them wearing over and over again were getting a little boring! They need to stay fashionable you know, especially since we've receive so many adorable outfits!!)
Also, both boys are the same length/height now, measuring in at 21.25 inches. Gee...they must be twins!! (..okay, that joke is probably going to get old!) This puts them in the 11.14 percentile for height. Elijah's head circumference is 15 inches (22.4 percentile) and Will's is 14.25 inches (3.82 percentile.)
Elijah and Will are doing wonderful. No issues at all. Praise God! Their next appointment isn't until 4 months old in January. Their pediatrician is very pleased. We even sweet talked some Enfamil formula samples out of him. No issues at all for these perfectly healthy precious babes. We are so blessed!
Sleeping after their shots...