Ten months of watching each baby learn and grow. Ten months of watching them accomplish milestones at different times from one another: rolling over, holding toys, sitting up, first teeth, babbling, holding their own bottles, picking up food and feeding themselves, etc. And our little Will just last week started crawling and also pulling himself up to standing by holding onto furniture. Don't worry, Eli, not too long and you'll be doing the same!
They both within the last two weeks have started saying "mama" and Eli also says "mom". (Of course they both have been saying "dada" for months even though I'm the one who slaves over them while daddy's away at work. HA!) Oh, it makes my heart burst with joy! My baby twins are growing up! They are becoming little people! This makes me so unbelievably happy, but naturally a part of me is sad to see my little infants grow into toddlers. (But if growing into toddlers means better sleep for all of us, then please be toddlers tomorrow. Like I said, I love sleep and sleep loves me.)
Happy 10 Months Elijah & Will. Your momma loves you bunches and bunches.
What am I doing still sitting here typing writing this blog post? I should be off planning their 1st birthday party. Only 2 months left. Yikes! Gotta go!
Will Clarence - 10 months old - 20 pounds 9 ounces
Elijah Kingsley - 10 months old - 20 pounds 0 ounces