On February 26th, the day we left for vacation, it was exactly one year from when we found out we were having twins. WOW! Who would have thought that exactly one year later to the day we found out that we were having twins, that those twins would be taking their first airplane flight on vacation with us at five months of age!? (I also later realized that this wasn't actually the twins' first flight. They flew when I was just 2 months pregnant with them on Nick and my vacation to Tucson, Arizona in March of 2010! Does that count? HA!)
Papa and Grammy Vincelli came on the trip with us. And Nick's youngest brother, Marc, came along for the trip as well. It was so great to have extra hands to help out! We rented a condo in a beautiful, safe, gated, private area. We have stayed there before and knew it was a nice place to be. And it was definitely the way to go with having the babies there. A hotel just wouldn't have worked. It was nice to have separate rooms,bedrooms and especially a kitchen. We made most of the food there and only ate out a few times, which is a big money saver!
Many of the people there are retired and live there permanently or either are retired snowbirds there for the winter, so we were the youngest people there by many many years! This proved to be wonderful because it was quiet and laid back. Oftentimes, we had the pool all to ourselves. We made a lot of friends with the retired folk because of course the twins were the hit of the place. Eli and Will are so darn popular! When we said our goodbyes at the outdoor pool, a few people made comments hoping that we would return again next year. So sweet!
A lot of exciting firsts happened on the trip for the boys. Will rolled over from his back to his stomach for the first time the night before we left. (Of course when he was at Uncle Barry's and Auntie Jesse's, so we didn't see it in person, but they caught the second roll on video for us!) And he hasn’t stopped rolling since. Then Eli did 5 days later mid-trip. You barely see them on their backs anymore! They love tummy time. Also, Will found his feet and can’t stop grabbing at them to this day! They also had fun on their first airplane flights, their first time in a swimming pool, and their first time on a mountain!
The flights were great. We had layovers on both flights there and back, so we had two long travel days. But Eli and Will did wonderfully. We made sure to give them bottles on the take off and landings. They slept off and on and only had a tiny meltdown on the last flight back to Minneapolis. But turns out they both had small poopy diapers, so that was the culprit! Southwest Airlines gave us certificates with the babies names on them to recognize their first flights. It was so adorable!
Eli and Will were the absolute hits of the flights and airports. And it’s not just because they are twins, it’s because everyone is so shocked how mild mannered and well behaved they are. We received so many comments and smiles. In fact, one woman said, “I’ve been stalking you since the last flight and I have to stay your babies are so well behaved, absolute angels. I can’t even handle my one kid and look at you with two!” I didn’t quite know what to reply to that! Maybe I should have said, “Well thank you. But wait, are you a nice stalker or a creepy stalker?” HA!
I lost count of how many people stopped to talk to us. And how many people said they are a twin or have relatives who are twins. I told Nick that we know what celebrities feel like. We can’t go anywhere without getting stared at or without people stopping to talk to us. I’m still trying to get used to that. At times I just want to be left alone and not be stared at! I guess one good thing about that is that it makes you realize you need to be on your best behavior at all times, because you are being watched like a hawk!
One man chatted with us for awhile telling us about his 7 year old triplets: two boys and one girl. He said they’ve never taken the triplets on an airplane. His daughter has Downs Syndrome. That really hit me hard. Can you imagine how hard it would be to raise triplets and one with special needs on top of that? Those parents must be amazing. I am in awe and am so grateful at Eli and Will’s perfect health, even with being born 4 weeks early. Speaking with this father made me think more about how I know I often take that very fact for granted. It makes me realize the stuff I complain about is so insignificant. Thank you God for healthy, happy children! And please help me to give thanks every day!
The highlights of our trip were:
going for walks
napping by the pool
window shopping downtown
hiking in Palm Canyon
taking the aerial tramway up to Mt. San Jacinto State Park
visiting my aunt and uncle
We are so thankful and blessed to be able to take these great memorable vacations.
Here are some of my favorite photos! Enjoy!
Ready to check in at the airport with Grammy & Papa
Waiting for our flight
Eli and Will's first flight!
We made it to California late at night!
Eli and Will's first time in a pool!
We took the aerial tramway up to Mt. San Jacinto State Park. Here's a view from the top!
Mt. San Jacinto State Park
Eli and Will's first time laying on the grass! (Well, sort of...)
Nick and Eli swimming
Cute Eli
Grammy Carolyn and Will swimming
Meeting up with my Uncle Jim and Aunt Patty who drove over from Yuma, Arizona!
Lazy feedings out by the pool!
Nick feeding the boys...
Outside fun!
Hanging in the shade with Grammy by the pool!
Cuddles with Uncle Marc
My boys!
On a walk!
Story time...
The whole gang
The flight to home sweet home - Minnesota!