So, what's a girl to do? Why call in reinforcements, of course! And the best ones at that - my parents! My mom wasn't able to come due to other commitments, but my dear ol' dad left within the hour of me calling and drove the 3.5 hour drive to come to my rescue. (Thank goodness for retired grandparents!)
Oh, he'll never know how much he helped me out and how thankful I am he came to help me. We had a lot of of special father/daughter bonding time. I miss him so much. I am so blessed to have such a wonderful father. I love you, daddio!
Will says, "I don't feel well."
My dad held Will while he napped because Will wouldn't lay in his crib.
My dad cuddled Will and read him stories.
Will says, "I feel so much better, Grandpa!"