STEPPING STONES is a newsletter for the ministry of Bethany Christian Services. They offer christian support for couples facing infertility or pregnancy loss. I receive this touching and heartfelt newsletter. Each issue offers insightful articles, a book review, poetry, and features from experts in the field of impaired fertility. It's published six times a year (although 2 are sent via email).
Subscriptions are free. But Stepping Stones depends on gift support from readers and Stepping Stones friends to meet the financial needs of this ministry. If you are able to support this ministry with a tax-deductible donation, gifts are needed and appreciated. Click on the link to learn more or make a donation.
I have felt so much emotion by reading this newsletter during our infertility journey and even now after. It's amazing how it always seemed to come in the mail at just the right time and had articles that seemed to speak right to me when I needed it the most. I never made it through a newsletter without tears, (oh who am I kidding, I bawled through most of them) even now after I have my own children. It brings back all those feelings and I will never forget all the ups and downs infertility brings. The newsletter gives peace, encouragement, and hope. You realize you are not alone and God is with you every step of the way.
In every issue, they have a "memory & celebration" page. This lists gifts given in celebration of a birth or adoption. It also acknowledges gifts given in memory of precious babies, born or unborn, who are now with our Father in heaven. Every time I received the newsletter, I hoped and prayed that someday I would be able to see my own precious baby's name in this section. And in the March/April issue of 2011, my dream came true.
It reads, "In Celebration of our precious, miracle twin babies through IVF, Elijah and Will, joyfully given by Nick and Amy Vincelli."
Thank you, Stepping Stones, and editors, John & Sylvia Van Regenmorter, for your heartfelt words and stories of hope. You have touched the hearts of so many, including mine. I give thanks for you and your ministry. God is working through you!