Give us a little break though – this is double duty for us. With twins on the way, many items we need TWO of, so we want to be as frugal as possible. (This is our life story – we’re probably too frugal with everything.)Of course we’ve spent the longest research of bigger items such as cribs and nursery room furniture. And I’m pretty proud to say that I think we found the best deals possible!
We’ve received good advice and found ways to save money and have more room; such as buying a dresser and not a changing table. This way we can have more drawer room for double the clothes, plus we can keep the dresser forever and it can grow with the kiddos! We’re thankful for advice from other mommies and daddies out there. But at the same time, we know our situation is a little different with twins, so we oftentimes do have to think about things a little differently.
I’ve also read awesome books geared toward twins and received lots of ideas about what we really truly need TWO of and what not. And things that people just really don’t need at all – like those diaper genie things that hold the dirty diapers! And that many stores offer a discount for multiples – 10% off the second item of a double purchase. (ie: We got our 2nd crib for 10% off. Not that it’s a huge discount, but anything helps!)
Here are a few photos of us registering. Those “guns” are fun! Just point, shoot, and whala – it’s on the list!
Before we started, we thought registering was going to be very overwhelming. And it was at times, but overall, much better than we anticipated! What may have helped keep us in a great mood was that we found the cribs we wanted at USA Baby, on sale, plus we got 10% off the second, and a $10 coupon to use! So, after that big success - we started at Babies R Us and walked around the whole store, crossing off our items along the way. We spent a long time there – that store is huge! But we left feeling satisfied. (Probably because we also went to Khan’s Mongolian Barbeque for supper…YUMMY!!) Then we headed over to a Super Target and registered there as well. Mission accomplished!! And Nick and I were still on speaking terms! HA!