Elijah MASSIVELY blew out of his diaper, through his clothes, and onto my pants while I was feeding him. Grrr..I knew size 1 diapers were getting to small!!!! But I was insistent on getting through the last few ones. I'm too frugal...guess I learned my lesson the hard way...
I go to change his diaper and contemplate just how to do this. I came to the conclusion that it was impossible to get his onesie off without getting poop everywhere. By then it had proceeded to ooze out more and more. In fact, the more careful I was to not get it anywhere, the worse it got. Poor little guy had it all over his body…even up on his ear. And that poor onesie...oh my. I wasn’t even sure it was worth trying to clean. And of course it was the first time he ever wore this outfit!
Meanwhile Will woke up and was screaming. Just when I thought it was bad enough, oh yes, it got worse!! I set Eli naked on a blanket on the floor quick to go save Will. During the 20 seconds it took me to get Will and come back up to the nursery, Eli had peed all over the blanket and carpet. He also had huge spit up as I didn’t have time to burp him. I threw a diaper on Eli quick (should have taken the time to do that before...oops, rookie move!) and got Will’s bottle and feed him so he stopped crying.
It was calm for a while. Whew! I can handle this I thought!! I finished feeding Will while sitting on the floor holding the bottle with my chin and using my other hand to calm Eli who was on the floor with just a diaper on. Thankfully after Will's bottle he laid there quietly while I then finished feeding Eli. I changed Will’s diaper. It was just pee…thank goodness. I remembered there was poo on my leg...GROSS...and went to change my pants while it was calm for a moment. I got a bath all ready for Eli and start bathing him. Suddenly I heard massive bowel movement sounds coming from Will. Oh my. I said a quick prayer that Will wouldn’t blow out of his outfit too. I hurried to finish Eli’s bath and grabbed the bowl of clean water to rinse him off. In that split second, Eli starts peeing all over in his baby bath tub and out onto the kitchen counter. I didn’t bother to change the water because pee is sterile, right?
I got Eli clothed and went to clean up the diaper pad area. I then half changed Will’s soiled diaper (that he didn't blow out of!), but stopped to go get Eli because he was now crying. I put Eli in his favorite chair, brought him upstairs, and bounced it with my foot while I changed the rest of Will's diaper. And.. wahlah, I have survived!!!! Oh yes, and I cleaned and sanitized both the pee filled carpet and pee stained kitchen counter.
Just a few months ago, heck, maybe even weeks, if this would have happened I would have shut down and cried uncontrollably on the floor and given up! But not this momma… I have mastered this twins stuff. (Or at least I have myself pretty fooled!) Oh, and by the way…seriously, this is all true. I’m not creative enough to make this stuff up! I’m so proud I made it through this without crying myself!
FYI: I am happy to report that both babies are now soundly sleeping, all the poo clothes are rinsed out, and I am sitting here thinking of rewarding myself with a nice glass of pinot grigio. (The brand of wine is “Mommy’s Time Out” from my dear friend Keri and her mom. Thank you ladies!! This mommy thinks she definitely needs a time out.) Yes, it’s only a little after 4 in the afternoon…but I think I’ve earned it…
But these cute little faces keep me going. This photo is from Christmas Day. Oh and yes, look closely, you can see that Eli has peed through his pants. The fun just never ends....
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