We took the boys in for their 9 month check-up to the pediatrician this morning. No shots this time! Doctor's results are in: Elijah and Will are as happy and as healthy as can be. Well, we already knew that. :) Praise God!
Elijah - 19 pounds 4 ounces - 29.5 inches - 18 in head circumference
Will - 19 pounds 15 ounces - 29 inches - 17.25 in head circumference
That puts Eli in the 25 percentile for weight, 84 percent for length, and 68 percent for head circumference. And Will is in the 37 percentile for weight, 69 percent for length, and 14 percent for head circumference.
When we were walking out of the clinic a man asked, "Twins?" We said "yes". He asked again, "Your first?" We said "yes." He then replied, "I wouldn't wish that upon anyone!"
Oh my, some people say the funniest things!
Here is Eli doing what we refer to as his "Cheesy Grin."
Our laughing Will.
I so love reading your posts and seeing all of your wonderful photos :) The boys are beyond precious and I'm so happy for all of you!! Happy 9 months Eli & Will :) Dee Morse