Vincelli: Party of 6

Vincelli: Party of 6

Thursday, August 20, 2009


Infertility is full of unknowns and unanswered questions. You find yourself trying things and doing things you never thought you would, in order to try to get things you may not ever even known possible. There are no guarantees. There are no heavenly notes from God that fall down from the sky with His answers telling you exactly what the future holds. (I’ve always wished it were that easy!)

I’m trusting that there’s something else better in store for me. That God has bigger plans for me than I have for myself. Here’s a quick story to prove it: In college, I suffered through a very hard breakup. At the time I thought I loved this man more than I would ever love anyone and that I would marry him. But now, looking back, I thank God for that breakup. God lead me to Nick, who was my true soul mate. But at the time, I was so heartbroken, thinking I might never get over it. Today, thinking of that ex-boyfriend barely even takes a tug on my heart. Lesson learned – trust that God has bigger and better plans for you than you have for yourself.

We never know where our lives will take us and what experiences lay before us. All we can do is live one day at a time, giving thanks, trusting in His plan, and appreciating every moment. Sometimes we just need to, “let go and let God.” I still don’t know what the future holds, but I’m confident in the One I know who holds the future. I know I’ll get through this. I know someday it will be easier. And I know someday I’ll be a mother.

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